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The user will at all times follow and abide by each and every provision of the following Agreement and any/all other disclaimers/ messages/notes/instructions provided on this website and accepts all claims involving contractual and extracontractual damages as a result of breach or lack of good faith.ģ. By accessing this website, and incontestably in case of repetitive use, explicit acceptance of this terms and/or use of several pages of the website, any user is presumed to have fully read, understand, and to agree to each and every term as described within this Agreement. Any dispute over any section of this Agreement shall be decided by an arbitrator or mediator chosen by the website owner at the time of the dispute, will fall within the scope of Austrian law and will be resolved under Austrian jurisdiction.Ģ.

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This Agreement makes up the entirety of the Agreement between the parties. This document is an Agreement between the website (hereinafter known as 'the website'), and any individual person accessing that website (hereinafter known as user).

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